Karnataka in 2022 notified THE KANNADA LANGUAGE COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT ACT, 2022 which states the importance of Kannada as language in Karnataka as official language. Importance is been given to Kannada as a mother language and steps are being taken to ensure the extensive use and propagation of Kannada Language and to co-ordinate the activities relating to the implementation of Kannada as Official Language.

Earlier as per Section 17, General measures to be taken for extensive use and propagation of Kannada Language demanded State Government Departments, Undertakings or Autonomous Bodies, Co-Operative and Public Undertakings, Educational Institutions, Banks, other Financial Institutions, Private Industries and Universities, of the officers and designations to primarily display their boards or signage in Kannada.

New Era – more emphasis on mother language:

The Government of Karnataka vide NO: DPAL 01 SHASANA 2024, has released the Governor Assent of the Kannada Language Comprehensive Development (Amendment) Act, 2024 on 28th February,2023.  Through this new amendment], it has notified the following amendment in Section 17, which states:

  1. The name boards of Commercial, Industrial and Business Undertakings, Trusts, Counselling Centre’s, Hospitals, Laboratories, Amusement Centres and Hotels etc., functioning with the approval and sanction of the Government or Local Authorities, shall ensure that their name board displays 60% in Kannada language
  2. The Kannada as displayed shall be in the upper half of the name board.
  3. Rest in 40%, can be in any other language.


This initiative aims to promote the use of the local language and advertise the purpose for which following statue was notified.


Effective Date: Originally it was to implemented by February 28th, 2024, but keeping in sake the difficulty and time to change signage, the government has extended the due date to this effect by two more week in a post by Deputy CM., i.e. effectively by 14th March,2024.


Penalty: As per order of BBMP, commercial establishments not complying with the provision of occupying 60% of name board in jurisdiction will subsequently face operational penalty like cancellation of its trade license.

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