

On 11th March 2024, Monday, the Karnataka government banned the use of Rhodamine-B, a food colouring additive found in popular foods such as Gobi Manchurian and cotton candy.


Rhodamine-B is a chemical colouring agent that is said to be used in the dyeing of clothing, paper, leather, printing, and plastics. It is used to give red and pink tones. Exposure to the chemical may potentially cause cancer, harm the eyes, and cause respiratory discomfort.




Health Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao has stated that if these drugs are discovered in eateries, stern action will be taken against the suppliers. According to him, a breach can result in imprisonment for up to seven years and a fine of up to Rs 10 lakh.


Which food colours and Flavouring agents to be used?

The Food Safety and Standards (Food Product Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011 (‘Regulations’) include a list of permitted food colouring and flavouring agents as well as their standards. Only the FSSAI-approved food colours and should be within the prescribed limits.


As stated in Chapter 3 of the regulation, The addition of colouring matter to any article of food except as specifically permitted by these regulations is prohibited.


These regulations allow for the use of carotene and carotenoids, including beta-carotene, canthaxanthin, chlorophyll, riboflavin, caramel, Annatto, saffron and turmeric or curcumin.


The regulation further prohibits the use of synthetic food colours in any food articles.


As a manufacturer, seller or importer of food articles, one should keep in mind that they comply with all the provisions of The Food Safety and Standards (Food Product Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011 and other relevant FSSAI Regulations to ensure the availability of safe and wholesome food for human consumption.



Points to be kept in mind under the Food Safety and Standards (Food Product Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011


As a manufacturer, distributor, seller, importer and storage of Food articles shall ensure:

  • To obtain license by FBOs under respective standardized food product category
  • To use the prescribed food additives and food colour only.
  • To use food additives and food colour within the specified limit.
  • To check and comply for the prescribed labelling standards
  • To meet with prescribed composition, food standards and quality for food articles.

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