Bird’s eye view of recent notified laws (VII Edition)
This list provides hands on information of the laws that have been notified by the Government both at Central and State levels during recent times along with their scope and applicability:
Name of Legislation | Geographical Applicability |
Effective Date | Category | Applicability Summary |
Electrical Appliances for domestic water heating (Quality Control) Order, 2025 | Central | 2025-01-21 | Regulatory Laws | Electrical appliances for domestic water heating shall conform to the corresponding Indian Standard specified in column (2) of the Table and shall bear the Standard Mark under a license from the Bureau as per Scheme-1 of Schedule-II of the Bureau of Indian Standards (Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018.
Provided that nothing in this order shall apply to goods or articles manufactured domestically for export. |
Flashlight (Quality Control) Order, 2025 | Central | 2025-01-28 | Regulatory Laws | Flashlights shall confirm to the corresponding Indian Standard mentioned under column (3) from the date specified in the corresponding entry under column (4) of the Table and shall bear the Standard Mark under a license from the Bureau as per Scheme-1 of Schedule II of the Bureau of Indian Standards (Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018 from the date specified in the corresponding entry under column (5) of the Table.
Provided that micro enterprises and small enterprise, as defined under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 (27 of 2006) shall conform to such Indian Standards from the date specified in the corresponding entry under columns (6) and (7) of the Table respectively. Provided further that nothing in this order shall apply to goods or articles manufactured domestically for export. Provided also that nothing in this order shall apply for fifty number of goods or articles imported for the purpose of research and development by manufacturers of Flashlights per year with the condition that such imported goods or articles shall not be sold commercially and can be disposed of as a scrap and the manufacturers shall maintain a yearwise record of the goods or articles and furnish the same, if so desired by the Central Government. |
Air Cooler and Air Filters (Quality Control)
Order, 2025 |
Central | 2025-01-30 | Regulatory Laws | Air Cooler and Air Filters shall conform to the corresponding Indian Standard mentioned in column (3) of the Table and shall bear the Standard Mark under a license from the Bureau as per Scheme-1 of Schedule-II of the Bureau of Indian Standards (Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018.
Provided that the small enterprise and micro enterprise, as defined under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 (27 of 2006) shall conform to such Indian Standards from the date specified in the corresponding entry under columns (6) and (7) of the Table respectively: Provided further that nothing in this Order shall apply to goods or articles manufactured domestically for export. Provided also that nothing in this Order shall apply to goods or articles manufactured domestically by an enterprise, registered under “Udyam Portal” of the Central Government in the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, wherein the investment in plant and machinery or equipment at original cost does not exceed twenty-five lakh rupees and the turnover does not exceed two crore rupees for the previous financial year as certified by a Chartered Accountant. Provided also that nothing in this Order shall apply for two hundred numbers of goods or articles imported for the purpose of research and development by manufacturers of Air Cooler and Air Filters per year with the condition that such imported goods and articles shall not be sold commercially and shall be disposed of as a scrap and the manufacturer shall maintain a year-wise record of such goods or articles and furnish to the Central Government. Provided also that nothing in this Order shall apply to goods or articles domestically manufactured or imported before the date of commencement of this Order by the manufacturer certified by the Bureau or manufacturer who has applied to the Bureau for certification for the relevant goods and articles and such manufacturer shall be permitted to sell or display or offer to sell such declared stock up to the 31st October, 2025 subject to the condition that such manufacturer shall made a declaration to this effect to the Bureau. |
Stainless Steel Pipes and Tubes (Quality
Control) Order, 2025 |
Central | 2025-02-11 | Regulatory Laws | Stainless Steel Pipes and Tubes shall conform to the corresponding Indian Standard mentioned in column (3) of the Table and shall bear the Standard Mark under a license from the Bureau as per Scheme-1 of Schedule-II of the Bureau of Indian Standards (Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018 from the date specified in the corresponding entry under column (5) of the Table.
Provided that nothing in this order shall apply to goods or articles manufactured domestically for export. Provided further that nothing in this order shall apply for five hundred kilograms of goods or articles imported for the purpose of research and development by manufacturers of stainless steel pipes and tubes per year with the condition that such imported goods and articles shall not be sold commercially and can be disposed of as a scrap and the manufacturer shall maintain a year-wise record of such goods or articles and furnish to the Central Government. Provided also that nothing in this order shall apply to goods or articles domestically manufactured or imported before the date of commencement of this order by the manufacturer certified by the Bureau or manufacturer who has applied to the Bureau for certification and such manufacturer shall be permitted to sell or display or offer to sell such declared stock up to six months from the date of implementation of this order with the condition that such manufacturer shall made a declaration to this effect to the Bureau. |
Furniture (Quality Control) Order, 2025 | Central | 2025-02-14 | Regulatory Laws | Furniture shall conform to the corresponding Indian Standard specified in column (2) of the Table and shall bear the Standard Mark under a license from the Bureau of Indian Standards as per Scheme-I of Schedule-II to the Bureau of Indian Standards (Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018.
Provided that nothing in this order shall apply to goods or articles manufactured domestically for export. Provided further that nothing in this order shall apply to micro and small enterprises as defined in clauses (h) and (m) respectively of section 2 of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 (27 of 2006), till the expiry of eighteen months from the date of publication of this notification. Provided also that nothing in this order shall apply to goods or articles manufactured domestically by an enterprise, registered under “Udyam Portal” of the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Provided also that nothing in this order shall apply to goods or articles manufactured domestically by an enterprise, registered under “Udyam Portal” of the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises wherein the investment in plant and machinery or equipment at original cost does not exceed twenty-five lakh rupees and the turnover does not exceed two crore rupees for the previous financial year as certified by a Chartered Accountant shall be exempted from implementation of this order. |
ICAI (Aggregation of LLPs) Guidelines 2024 | Central | 2025-01-30 | Regulatory Laws | These guidelines provide a framework for an LLP, Indian CA Firm to be a partner with another LLP, an Indian CA Firm. It would enable CA firms to tap the synergies of the combined strength and resources. It is envisaged that aggregation of LLPs should be worthy of facilitating greater coordination among the partner LLPs to deliver consistent quality in audit seamlessly across all locations on PAN India basis. This initiative supports the restructuring needs of Indian CA firms and also fosters a conducive environment for a long-term future. |
ICAI (Merger & Demerger of CA firms) Guidelines, 2024 | Central | 2025-01-24 | Regulatory Laws | These guidelines are applicable to the firms as defined in section 2(ca) of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 as amended from time to time and provide detailed provisions regrading merger and demerger of CA firms. |
Control of Water Pollution (Grant, Refusal
or Cancellation of Consent) Guidelines, 2025 |
Central | 2025-01-30 | Environment, Health and Safety Laws | These guidelines provide detailed provisions regarding consent to establish and consent to operate by any industrial unit and its renewal. |
Control of Air Pollution (Grant, Refusal or Cancellation of Consent) Guidelines, 2025 | Central | 2025-01-29 | Environment, Health and Safety Laws | These guidelines provide detailed provisions regarding consent to establish and consent to operate by any industrial unit and its renewal. |
Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India
(Access Criteria for NDS-OM) Directions, 2025 |
Central | 2025-02-07 | Regulatory Laws | The master direction is applicable to all participants in Government Securities market. Any person/ entity eligible to invest in Government securities in terms of the applicable rules/ guidelines issued by the Government of India / State Governments / the Reserve Bank, as amended from time to time shall be eligible to access NDS-OM either through direct access or through indirect access or through Stock Broker Connect, in terms of these Directions. |
Guidelines for Benchmarking of Operation & Maintenance (O n M) Norms for Distribution Utilities | Central | 2025-01-30 | Environment, Health and Safety Laws | The guidelines are applicable to all the stakeholders of Power sector. Benchmarking is a process for developing the performance indices to be adopted by entities for improving their performance and identifying areas needing improvement. The goal of benchmarking is to improve the current processes of a utility to meet the higher standards set up by other utilities. |
Customs (On – Arrival Movement for Storage and Clearance at Authorised Importer Premises) Regulations, 2025 | Central | Yet to be notified | Indirect Taxation Laws | These regulations shall apply to –
(a) importers satisfying the following conditions, namely:- (i) importer is recognised as Authorised Economic Operator under Tier II or Tier III status; (ii) designated place demarcated within already licenced warehouse under section 58 or under section 58A of the Customs Act; (iii) licenced bonded warehouse where designated place is demarcated has permission under section 65 of the Act; and (iv) the resultant goods pertain to goods classified under headings 8517-8548; (b) such imported goods only, where no order is made under section 47 or section 60 of the Act and the importer is intending to avail clearance at Authorised Importer Premises. |
Reserve Bank of India (Forward Contracts in Government Securities) Directions,
2025 |
Central | 2025-05-02 | Regulatory Laws | These Directions shall apply to forward contracts in government securities (hereinafter referred to as bond forwards) undertaken in the Over-the-Counter (OTC) market in India. Over-the-Counter (OTC) market refers to a market where bond forward transactions are undertaken in any manner other than on exchanges and
shall include those undertaken on electronic trading platforms (ETPs). |
International Financial Services Centres Authority (Fund Management) Regulations, 2025 | Central | 2025-02-13 | Banking and Forex Laws | The FM Regulations 2025 replace the IFSCA (Fund Management) Regulations, 2020, which were notified on April 13, 2022. Key reforms as per 2025 regulations are as under:
1. The minimum corpus of scheme has been reduced from USD 5 Mn to USD 3 Mn, enabling FMEs to commence investment activities upon reaching a lower threshold of corpus. 2. The validity of scheme’s PPM is increased to 12 months from IFSCA’s communication regarding taking it on record. This will provide more time to FMEs to raise the minimum corpus, which has also been reduced from USD 5 Mn to USD 3 Mn. 3. The contribution by FME / its Associate(s) in a scheme, which was restricted at 10%, has now been permitted up to 100%, subject to certain conditions. 4. A provision for joint investments by 2 individuals with specific relationships has been provided for non-retail schemes. 5. The categorization for AIFs and Family Investment Funds (FIFs) has been streamlined for better clarity. The requirement to obtain prior approval of IFSCA for the appointment of KMPs has been dispensed with and the FMEs shall henceforth be required to only intimate the same to IFSCA. |
Madhya Pradesh Khule Nalkup Mein Insanno Ke Girne Se Hone Wali Durghatnao Ki Rokthaam Evam Suraksha Niyam, 2024 | Madhya Pradesh | 2025-01-17 | Environment, Health and Safety Laws | These rules establish safety measures for open tubewells and borewells by clearly defining the responsibilities of the drilling agency, landowner, and government. |
Madhya Pradesh Special Liquor Rules, 2024 | Madhya Pradesh | 2025-02-14 | Indirect Taxation Laws | These rules shall be applicable to manufacturing, blending, storage, import, export, transport and sale etc. of special liquor. Special liquor means high bouquet spirit, cane juice spirit, sherry, grape spirit, malt-spirit of varying strength, concentrated alcoholic brew, concentrated scotch, concentrated blend of any liquor and especially falvoured other spirits for the purpose of blending or reduction. |
Nagar Panchayat Jawali (Property Taxation) Bye-laws, 2024 | Himachal Pradesh | 2025-01-27 | Corporate Laws | Every person who is liable to pay any of the property tax shall pay the same at the Head Office of the Municipality or at such other place(s) and time as may be specified by the Secretary as the case may be. However, the payment of tax shall be made either by cash or cheque or through Bank Draft drawn in favour of Secretary, Nagar Panchayat Jawali payable at Jawali or through RTGS in the Bank Account of Nagar Panchayat Jawali declared for the said purpose by the Secretary, as the case may be. |
Uttar Pradesh Urban Planning and
Development (Assessment, Levy and Collection of Development Permit Fee, Building Permit Fee and Inspection Fee) Rules, 2024 |
Uttar Pradesh | 2025-01-28 | Environment, Health and Safety Laws, Corporate Laws | These rules are applicable to all the development areas in the State of Uttar Pradesh. Development with its grammatical variations and connotations, means the carrying out of building, engineering, mining or other operations in, on, over or under land, or the making of any material change in any building or land, and includes re-development. |
Karnataka Industrial Policy 2025-30 | Karnataka | 2025-02-08 | Regulatory Laws | The policy aims to position Karnataka as the #1 destination for High-technology manufacturing investments in Asia through equitable and sustainable development by establishing an investor-friendly ecosystem in Karnataka by fostering a conducive manufacturing environment through collaboration with the industry and developing human capital to meet the industry’s demands. The Government of Karnataka envisions attracting investments of INR 7,50,000 Cr across the sectors, generating approximately 20,00,000 new jobs during the Policy Period, and attaining leadership in sunrise sectors in the State. |
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