
7 things to do to check the legal aspects of a property for it’s transaction on your own.

Checking on the legal aspects of a property is easy. Simply make a note of these points and keep ticking them as you check them:

  1. Insist on seeing the original documents: There’s a lot of scope for foul play with photocopies. So, never settle for photocopies, no matter what the excuse the other party give
  2. Thoroughly check the possession of property: Possession plays major role in checking legal aspect of any property.
  3. Check ownership of the property: Visit authorities like DDA, MCD make double sure about the ownership of property.Check whether the party has General Power of Attorney or Conveyance Deed. A Conveyance Deed means the party has absolute powers to execute the sale. If it is a GPA, it has limited rights , read the document carefully whether they have right to sale or lease or not.
  4. Verify original stamp of sub registrar: This is critical to the authenticity of the documents
  5. Conduct a due diligence at the sub registrar’s office: Check for these aspects for any registered deed with regarding their ownership –
    a) Book number
    b) Volume number
    c) Registration no.
    d) Page number
  6. Check if there is an existing loan on the property: Go through the statement of accounts / income tax returns or accounts. If there is a loan, it will show up.
  7. Check pending litigation of property: Hire a good lawyer if need be. He will do the research and get back to you with the pending litigation.


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