S.N. Nature of Compliance Compliance Title Legal Provision Exemption Frequency Due Date 1. Registration Registration of Limited Liability Company Article 233 of Law No. 11 of 2015 (Commercial Companies Law):- The chairman of the company shall apply for registering the company in the commercial registry. The application shall be accompanied by the memorandum of association […]

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Introduction: With the widespread use of AI in recent times, the threat to personal data security, sensitive information, and overall security has become a major concern. Additionally, increasing incidents of deep fakes, voice scams, social bias, financial fraud, and misinformation are making the regulation of AI urgent. To address these concerns and monitor AI models, […]

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Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in order to adhere to recent judgement of Hon’ble Supreme Court on curbing misleading advertisements has introduced process of uploading of advertisements on the Broadcast Seva Portal of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB) for TV and Radio Advertisements and on Press Council of India’s portal prior to publication […]

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Introduction: In a bid to enhance transparency and accuracy in food labeling, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has issued a significant directive. This directive mandates Food Business Operators (FBOs) to remove the claim of “100% Fruit Juices” from the labels and advertisements of fruit juices with immediate effect. All the FBOs […]

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The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) on May 13, 2024 has notified regarding the extension in the timeline for filing of Annual Return by Producers, Importers & Brand owners (PIBOs)/Plastic Waste Processors (PWPs) registered during FY 2022-23. Further it has been stated that, the EPR portal was under updation process for enhancement of Security features […]

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  S.No. Act Name Compliance Due Date 1 Master Direction- Reserve Bank of India (Non-Banking Financial Company – Scale Based Regulation) Directions, 2023 and amendment thereto NBFCs participating in IRF exchanges to submit the data to the Regional Office of the Department of Supervision where it follows FY as April to March (For the half […]

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FSSAI turnover in Alcoholic products – Regulation 2018 of FSSAI recognized alcoholic beverages as one of additional food item to be regulated through new guidelines giving pave for Food Safety and Standards (Alcoholic Beverages) Regulations, 2018 specifying the standards for Alcoholic beverages namely Distilled Alcoholic Beverage (Brandy, Country Liquor, Gin, Rum, Vodka and Whisky, Liquor […]

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China Compliance Updates Extended deadline for filing and paying value-added tax (VAT) for 2024.      Period  Periodicity  Original   Extended   For the month of January  Monthly  15-Feb-2024  23-Feb-2024  For the month of March  Monthly  15-Apr-2024  18-Apr-2024  For the month of April  Monthly  15-May-2024  22-May-2024  For the month of May  Monthly  15-Jun-2024  19-Jun-2024  For the month […]

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FSSAI has introduced addition compliance by amending Regulation 10(4) of Food Safety and Standards (Labelling and Display) Regulations, 2020 vide Food Safety and Standards (Labelling & Display) Amendment Regulations, 2022 to mandate the use of words “NON-RETAIL CONTAINER – NOT FOR DIRECT SALE TO CONSUMER” or such other statement/mark to clearly identify those packages that […]

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