There is no doubt that in the present era Social Media Platforms have been empowered worldwide and have been used by the people to show their creativity, ask questions, share their views whether positive or negative and criticise some including Government. India is also not untouched with the expansion of Social Media Platforms and due […]

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The global outbreak of corona virus (COVID-19) is an unprecedented event that has led to lockdowns and unexpected restrictions on the public as well as the corporate sector across the world. Due to this situation companies are likely to face difficulties in undertaking timely compliances of various applicable laws. Keeping in mind the aforesaid, SEBI has […]

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With the view of prevailing covid19 outbreak Food Safety and Standard Authority of India(FSSAI) has issued  directions vide its 20th April 2020 have issued relaxations for FBOs to ensure no disruption in food supply chain during curfews and lockdown. Click here for order. Some of the key relaxations are as under: The deadline for return […]

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In line with Order bearing No 40-3/2020-DM-I(A) dated 23rd April 2021, read along with guidelines for effective control of Covid 19 issued by Ministry of Home Affairs under Disaster Management Act 2005, whereas the medical oxygen is an essential public health commodity and availability of adequate and uninterrupted supply of Medical Oxygen is an important pre-requisite for managing […]

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In order to ensure quick transport of Oxygen and to remove any hurdles due to compliances, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways vides its order dated 1st April, 2021 have exempted transport vehicles engaged in carrying oxygen to obtain permits , comply with conditions mentioned therein and other provisions of sub-section (1) of the section […]

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Keeping in view the financial dependence of women on husbands and increasing rate of migrant males in search of work, the landmark decision came through ordinance to give Right of Co-ownership to women in their husband’s ancestral property to offer financial independence to women who are left behind in the hills and are totally depending […]

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On Tuesday, 2 March 2021, Hon’ble Governor of Haryana gave assent to the Haryana State Employment of Local Candidates Act, 2020, which provides 75% reservation to local candidates in Private Sector Haryana State Employment of Local Candidates Act, 2020 (Haryana Act No_3 of 2021). The reservation quota will apply for 10 years in Haryana State […]

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Government of India and various State Governments have been taking various measures to promote ease of doing business in India.  Proposed Labour Law Codes by Central Government, if implemented in an appropriate manner can have far reaching impact towards reducing the compliance burden on corporate without comprising the welfare of the work force. Government of […]

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The MSME Development Act, 2006 (‘MSMED Act’) strengthens the provisions relating to delayed payments to the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (‘MSME’) by specifying the maximum credit period and higher penal interest if delayed beyond that period. If there is a delay in payment, companies will have to mention the reason for such delay in […]

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