Introduction  The Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, 2006 is a crucial legislation in India aimed at promoting, developing, and enhancing the competitiveness of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Its objective is to provide Promotion and development, enhancing Competitiveness of MSMEs.  Applicability: Under the MSME Development Act, 2006; vide notification dated 26th […]

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Introduction This Law is enacted in China to protect the rights and interests of individuals of the People’s Republic of China, regulate personal information processing activities, and promote judicious use of personal information. The law is targeted at personal information protection and addressing the problems with personal data leakage. A notable aspect of the PIPL […]

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Introduction: With the widespread use of AI in recent times, the threat to personal data security, sensitive information, and overall security has become a major concern. Additionally, increasing incidents of deep fakes, voice scams, social bias, financial fraud, and misinformation are making the regulation of AI urgent. To address these concerns and monitor AI models, […]

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Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in order to adhere to recent judgement of Hon’ble Supreme Court on curbing misleading advertisements has introduced process of uploading of advertisements on the Broadcast Seva Portal of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB) for TV and Radio Advertisements and on Press Council of India’s portal prior to publication […]

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Introduction: In a bid to enhance transparency and accuracy in food labeling, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has issued a significant directive. This directive mandates Food Business Operators (FBOs) to remove the claim of “100% Fruit Juices” from the labels and advertisements of fruit juices with immediate effect. All the FBOs […]

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Introduction: The rising instances of misleading advertisements is undoubtedly an issue that needs to be addressed to ensure accountability from advertisers and brands and to combat associated consumer harms, especially when it comes to health, education and finance related advertisements. In line with the Supreme Court’s directive, no advertisement will be permitted to run on […]

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Reserve Bank of India on 28 May 2024 has launched three major initiatives, namely the PRAVAAH (Platform for Regulatory Application, Validation and AutHorisation) portal, the Retail Direct Mobile App and a FinTech.   1. ‘PRAVAAH’ (Platform for Regulatory Application, Validation and AutHorisation) portal The PRAVAAH is a secure and centralised web-based portal that aims to […]

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Introduction:  Imagine toiling under the scorching sun, day in and day out, without respite. For millions of workers worldwide, this scenario is not just a hypothetical; it’s their reality. As temperatures rise due to climate change, the threat of heatwaves looms larger than ever, posing serious health risks to those who work outdoors or in […]

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Introduction: The Supreme Court cautioned that celebrities, influencers, and advertisers face equal accountability for endorsing and disseminating misleading advertisements, especially regarding food and health products. Highlighting a shared responsibility, the court stressed the need for accuracy in advertisements, involving both advertisers and endorsers, including celebrities and influencers.   Key Highlights: The Supreme Court warned that […]

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