Criteria for Self write off of Export Bills
As per RBI/2020-21/77: A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 08 dt. 04.12.2020 and Master Direction on Export of goods & services updated as on 08.01.2021 an exporter who has not realized export proceeds have the following options for write off of such bills :
- Self Write off within the limits prescribed or
- Approach AD Banker banker who was involved in the export transaction.
Limits for self write off are as under
- Status Holder Exporter : 10% of total export proceeds realized during the calendar year preceding the year in which the write-off is being done
- Other than Status Holder : 5% of total export proceeds realized during the calendar year preceding the year in which the write-off is being done
Documents to be submitted by exporter:
As per Para C.23.6 of vide Master Direction on Export of goods & services, in case of self-write-off, the exporter should submit the following documents to the concerned AD bank,
- A Chartered Accountants certificate, indicating the export realization in the preceding calendar year ;
- Also the amount of write-off already availed of during the year, if any,
- The relevant EDF to be written off, Bill No., invoice value, commodity exported, country of export, and
- The CA certificate may also indicate that the export benefits, if any, availed of by the exporter have been surrendered.
Disclaimer: This is an effort by to contribute towards improving compliance management regime. User is advised not to construe this service as legal opinion and is advisable to take a view of subject experts.

He carries over 21 years of experience of providing advisory services around Corporate Law Compliances, Due Diligence, FIPB, Venture Capital Fund, Joint Ventures, Equity Participations, NGOs, etc. He was one of the founding members of RSJ Professionals which serves 500+ corporate clients for various advisory services. He brings with himself a strong understand of laws and nuances related to managing compliance in Indian corporates.
Gaurav is a Fellow Member of ICSI and holds Bachelors in Law.