Exemption from approval and additional compliances for use of DG sets in Assam
The Pollution Control Board of Assam vide its notification No. WB/T-333/2022-2023/41/1697 dated 05th November 2022 has exempted the standalone Diesel Generators (DG) sets with rated capacity of less than 1 MVA from the requirement of obtaining Consent to Establish/Operate i.e., consent Management with immediate effect. However, this exemption shall be subject to the condition that the DG Sets shall be operated with proper acoustic enclosure and chimney of adequate height as notified under Environment Protection Act, 1986 vide GSR 1063(E) dated 26th December 1998
In addition to this, bulk users of DG sets (Like the Telecom Companies), need to comply with the provisions of Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules 2016, including filing of Annual Reports and Manifests to be submitted to the Central Pollution Control Board.
Further they need to ensure that any hazardous and other waste generated by them including the waste/spent oil of DG Sets or used Batteries shall be handed over to the authorized actual users, waste collectors or operators of disposal facility as per the guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board.
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