With the announcement of the Hon’ble Prime Minister banning Indian Currency of Rs. 500 & Rs. 1000, the Voluntary Disclosure of Income Scheme, gold monetization scheme, opening of bank accounts, etc. everything seems to have fallen in place. This proves that it is not just an impromptu decision taken by the government, It was a move planned […]

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On the eve of 08th November, 2016 when half of the nation was busy watching saas-bahu stereotypes, and the other half in witnessing the fate of United States of America, our Hon’ble Prime Minister along with Reserve Bank of India had all their moves ready to make a landmark and everlasting impact in the history […]

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GST Council has taken a step ahead towards making GST a reality. They have lifted veil from the most awaited part of GST i.e. the tax rates. They have introduced the following rates: 0% – Food grains of high public consumption and which contributes to almost 50% of the inflation index; 5%-12%-18% – other Goods […]

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The Labour Department vide its Order No F.No.12 (142)/13/mw/lab/2124 dated 30th September 2016 has revised the minimum rates of wages payable under the Minimum Wages 1948 in the National Capital Territory of Delhi. This following rates of minimum wages shall be applicable in respect of unskilled, semiskilled and skilled categories in all scheduled employments except employment […]

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From its inception, information technology (IT) has been changing the way business is done. IT is changing the basis of business from labor and manual skills to knowledge management. The workplace has changed significantly over the last half-century due to information technologies, mainly due to automation of existing processes. Technology has become an inseparable part […]

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Law Reference: Sec. 96 of the CA’2013 provides that every Company other than OPC (One Person Company) shall in each year hold an AGM of its shareholders. Frequency AGM: Not more than 15 months shall elapse between the date of One AGM of the company and that of the next. Provided that First AGM of […]

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LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) is the hybrid form of Partnership Firm and Company, which is governed by the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008. Unlike Partnership Firm it has to inform Registrar of Companies and to other Departments, time after time. Besides other reporting, LLP is required to file certain reports on due date basis. Let’s […]

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